Kelly Misch
Communications Director
Chardon Local Schools
(collages from left, clockwise) F. Jason Arotin, U.S. Navy Senior Chief Machinery Repairman Information Warfare (active); Robert Mormile, U.S. Army (retired); Steve Szeredy, U.S. Army (retired); Marcus Schott, U.S. Navy Sub mariner (retired); Richard Selfridge, U.S. Army E-6 (retired); Erik Hanson, U.S. Army Sergeant (retired); William (Chris) O'Dell, U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class (retired); Joel Ovanic, U.S. Army E Sergeant First Class (retired)
Munson Veterans Week 2023
A Time of Honor and Service
November 11, 2023 — Munson Elementary's annual Veterans Week traditions were once again an inspiring success, creating engaging opportunities for young Hilltoppers to learn about the importance of honoring Veterans Day and how they can make a difference both now and later in their lives through service projects.
Munson's Veterans Week is made possible every November both by the dedication of the school's long-running Veterans Day committee of teachers and support staff — a group led by educational assistant Mrs. Rose Romans; and by the generosity of students' families.
photo: field of flags on school front lawn; student artwork: red poppies
HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES (examples):- Penny Wars - Collectively raised $2,300 for local veterans charities!
- Raising Money for Disabled American Veterans (DAV) - in progress
- Stockings for Soldiers, a DeJohn Funeral Homes initiative - in progress
- Short Essays on Veterans / Active-Duty Military Members
- Red Poppy Art Project
- NEW! Field of Flags - Thank You Mrs. McClung of Card My Yard Chardon!
photo: school hallway bulletin board with student essays
Judge John Eklund
Veterans Week's culminating event was the school assembly on Nov. 10, which began with a meaningful introduction by Judge John Eklund of the 11th District Court of Appeals of Ohio / the Court's Presiding and Administrative Judge.
Judge Eklund led the assembly's Pledge of Allegiance and then shared ideas with students on how they can uphold their Pledge of Allegiance in life through their actions, serving as role models in their community whether taking the path of enlistment or a different career path. photo: Judge John Eklund
U.S. Military Speaker Panel
From the speaker panel, students learned examples of specialties in the military, including engineering, mechanics, emergency medical service, and much more. Each of the guest speakers generously gave of their time at the assembly, sharing their experiences at an age-appropriate, relatable level and readily expressing messages of motivation and inspiration.
(l to r in group photo at left)
Robert Mormile, U.S. Army (retired)
Steve Szeredy, U.S. Army (retired)
F. Jason Arotin, U.S. Navy Senior Chief Machinery Repairman Information Warfare (active)
Marcus Schott, U.S. Navy Submariner (retired)
William (Chris) O'Dell, U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class (retired)
Richard Selfridge, U.S. Army E-6 (retired)
Joel Ovanic, U.S. Army E Sergeant First Class (retired)
Erik Hanson, U.S. Army Sergeant (retired)
Many of the U.S. military guest speakers are dads or grandfathers to Munson Elementary students and proudly called out the names of their students in the audience. Their children and grandchildren beamed with pride while peers 'oohed and ahhed' upon learning of the family connections between the guests on-stage stage and the audience!
A Q&A session followed with students eager for a turn at the microphone to ask questions.
With thanks to G-TV, the assembly was livestreamed and can be accessed for replay at the following BoxCast LINK.
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