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Stay Safe. Speak UP!
Stay Safe. Speak UP! 3 Reporting Options:  1) Phone 1.866.547.8362 (1.866.listen2me)  2) Online at Stay Safe. Speak UP! link is in the top banner of the homepage  3) (NEW!) Mobile App District Code:  CHARDON  Get it On Google Play / Available on the App Store

Your voice matters.
Chardon Local Schools partners with PublicSchoolWORKS to offer the Stay Safe. Speak UP! student safety and bullying prevention program. This 24/7 confidential reporting tool is available to students, parents, staff and the community.       

To submit a confidential report regarding school-safety concerns and bullying, choose from the following reporting options:  

  1.  Hotline — Call 1.866.547.8362 (1.866.listen2me) to speak to a live attendant or to leave a voicemail.
  2.  Submit a Report Online (link) - also accessible from the top banner of the Chardon Schools website
  3. NEW! Use the Mobile App to submit a report from your mobile device. 
    Enter our district code:  CHARDON

Stay Safe. Speak UP! is prominently posted in key areas of the Chardon Local School District's — including the top banner of the District site, school pages, and Required Postings —  as well as posted throughout our school buildings via TV screens and on paper in hallways. This news article serves as a back-to-school reminder for all of this important resource that is available 24/7, 365 days/year.  

Chardon Schools believes safe and secure environments are critical for all stakeholders. 
The safety and wellness of our students and staff is the District's top priority.