Health Services

Health Services

Welcome to Chardon Schools Health Services! staff headshot photos: Nurse Chelsie Jackson, Nurse Sarah Park, Nurse Jennifer Trittschuh, Medical Asst Sara Alvord, and Medical Asst Renee Kolenich


black and white stock image of vintage phone

Parents/Guardians:  To report your student's absence, please call 440.285.4052 and follow the absence reporting instructions provided by the automated system.  

The Chardon Health Services Team welcomes you to the 2023-2024 school year! Our team is here to care for and facilitate the health needs of your student(s). 


  • health screenings

  • first aid

  • illness and injury evaluation

  • identification of communicable diseases/conditions

  • vision, hearing and postural screenings

  • medication monitoring and administration

  • health counseling

  • presentation/teaching of health topics

Annual Update
All families must complete an Annual Update each school year. In addition to other information pertinent to your student's record, this update includes a section for the parent/guardian to update their student's medical conditions and history. Please see the following ANNUAL UPDATE INSTRUCTIONS and complete the form today.

Newly Enrolled Families
Please contact your student’s school nurse to discuss any anticipated medical needs for this school year. You must also complete the Annual Update noted above.

All Families
We ask that you review additional Health Services resources and requirements on this page. We wish you a healthy new school year. Our team looks forward to caring for your student(s). Thank you from the Chardon Health Services Team.

Use of Medications / Emergency Medications

The Chardon Board of Education has adopted a use of medications policy and emergency medications policy for ALL medications, prescription and non-prescription, given at school. 

ALL medications being dropped off (with required forms) with the school nurse must be transported to and from school by a parent or adult.

If your student will need to have any daily prescription medications housed in our health clinics, please return the following form:

Authorization for Prescribed Medication/Drug or Treatment
5330 F1 Form - To be completed by parent/guardian AND prescriber

If your student will need to have any emergency medications (such as inhalers for asthma or Epinephrine (Epi-pen) for allergies) housed in our health clinics, please return the following forms: 

Authorization for the Possession & Use of Asthma Inhaler/ Other Emergency Medications
5330 F3 Form - To be completed by parent/guardian AND prescriber

Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan
To be completed by parent/guardian AND prescriber

If your student will need to have over the counter medications housed in our health clinics please sign and return the following form (parent/guardian signature required only):

Authorization for NON-Prescribed Medication or Treatment
5330 F1a Form for MIDDLE SCHOOL / HIGH SCHOOL Students (GRADES 4-12)
To be completed by parent/guardian

Authorization for NON-Prescribed Medication or Treatment
5330 F1b Form for ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Students (K-3)
To be completed by parent/guardian

Please note that ALL PERTINENT FORMS need to be completed and signed and MEDICATIONS PROVIDED to your school health clinic in order for your student to receive medications while at school.


State Law Immunization Requirements for School Attendance – Ohio state law requires students to be adequately immunized against many communicable diseases in order to attend school. 

For the 2023-24 school year, ALL required documentation of required vaccines needs to be provided by August 29, 2023
Chardon Schools follows Ohio Department of Health requirements and recommendations for health screenings. Vision and Hearing Screenings for students new to the school district and all students in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 will be completed over the first several weeks of the new school year. Please reach out to your school nurse with questions regarding screenings or any referrals needed for vision or hearing services.

Vision Screening - Includes testing for distance acuity, muscle balance, stereopsis, and color vision. Mandated grade levels for vision screening are preschool, KDG, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.

Hearing Screening - Includes pure-tone air conduction testing.  Mandated grade levels for hearing screening at preschool, KDG, 1, 3, 5, 9, and 11.

Postural Screening - Includes a visual inspection of the spine for abnormal conditions, including scoliosis (S-shaped curve), kyphosis (hump back) and lordosis (sway back). Screenings will be done during PhysEd classes for selected grade levels.

Medical Exams

A free fluoride mouth rinse program, sponsored by Ohio Department of Health and Northeast Ohio Dental Hygienists Association, is available to all elementary students. Fluoride is an effective preventative treatment for dental cavities in children. Parental permission is required for participation in this program.
When is my child sick enough to miss school? It is often difficult to make this judgment call, both for parents and school nurses. Below are guidelines school nurses use when determining when to send students home. These same guidelines may be useful to parents in deciding when to keep a child home in the morning.

• Fever of 100 degrees or higher (without fever reducing medication)
• Vomiting or diarrhea
• Contagious-looking disease that requires exclusion from school per Ohio Department of Health guidelines (see Communicable Diseases chart)
• Injury that requires prompt medical evaluation (i.e., fracture)
• Best judgment

Education is key to keeping your child healthy. Teach your child to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly, especially after toileting and before eating or food preparation. Teach you child that most harmful germs enter the body through the eyes, nose, and mouth and that it is important to keep their hands away from their face. Discourage sharing of personal items and encourage use and proper disposal of tissue. These simple practices can have a big impact on both the health of your child and your child’s school attendance.

Staff Directory

Chardon Early Learning Center logo
(Grades PreK & KDG)
Chelsie Jackson, School Nurse (& Department Head for District Health Services)
Sara Alvord, Medical Assistant
Clinic Phone:  440.285.4052 ext. 4470
Munson Elementary logo
(Grades 1-3)
Sarah Park, School Nurse
Renee Kolenich, Medical Assistant
Clinic Phone:  440.285.4052 ext. 5490
Park Elementary logo(Grades 1-3)
Sarah Park, School Nurse
Renee Kolenich, Medical Assistant
Clinic Phone:  440.285.4052 ext. 6481

Chardon Middle School logo
(Grades 4-7)
Jennifer Trittschuh, School Nurse
Clinic Phone:  440.285.4052 ext. 2457

Chardon High School logo
(Grades 8-12)
Chelsie Jackson, School Nurse (& Department Head for District Health Services)
Clinic Phone:  440.285.4052 ext. 1418

Community Health Resources

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