Student Services

Student Services

staff photo - Linda Elegante (Pastor Photography)
Linda Elegante
Director of Student Services
440.285.4052 ext. 8525
Department Overview
The Student Services department is dedicated to identifying and providing services, supports, programming and specialized placements to meet the needs of diverse learners. 

Child Find
The District engages in ongoing Child Find services to locate, identify, and provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for all children between the ages of three (3) and twenty-one (21) who have a disability and reside in the Chardon Local School District. Please see our Child Find Notice for more information on Child Find activities.

The Student Services department's offerings include:

  • Special Education Programs
  • Gifted Education Services
  • English Language Development (ELD)
  • Services for Homeless or Foster Placed Students
  • Federal Title Programs
  • Section 504 Plans
  • School Psychological Services
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Preschool
Student Services also contracts with local educational service centers for additional specialized services.
Special Education Programs

staff headshot photo - Alanna Hruska (Pastor Photography)
Alanna Hruska
Special Education Supervisor
[email protected] 
Lindsay Williams
Special Education Supervisor

Tamra Bell
Special Education Secretary
440.285.4052 ext. 8460

A variety of programming is available for students with special needs in grades preschool through age 21. The District has several specialized and cross-categorical classrooms across the District, while also providing services within the regular classroom for students with disabilities.

Based on student need, some students participate in off-site specialized vocational training programs or attend highly specialized placements out of the district.
Gifted Education Services
staff headshot:  Megan Kinney
Megan Kinney
Gifted Coordinator
via Educational Services Center (ESC)
[email protected]

The District provides services to over 500 gifted identified students. Gifted education services can adjust instruction to provide an appropriate level of challenge for students, or they may include subject or grade acceleration. 

Our part-time, gifted coordinator assists with the identification of gifted learners, provides gifted education training to staff, and supports the development of individualized written enrichment or acceleration plans for students.
English Learners Program
staff headshot:  Wendy Fuchs (Pastor Photography)
Wendy Fuchs
English Learner Tutor
staff headshot:  Gina Pumphrey (Pastor Photography)
Gina Pumphrey
English Learner Tutor

The District's English Learners program helps students overcome cultural and language challenges as they attend Chardon Schools.  EL tutors support students in all grade levels through one-on-one, small group or in-class language support in speaking, listening, reading and writing. The District also provides interpreters for parents and guardians who may also need language support.
Liaison for Homeless and Foster Placed Students
The Student Services department is committed to providing educational stability for students and families experiencing homelessness while also supporting students and families with foster placements. Services are coordinated with local agencies and sending or receiving school districts and are based on individual needs.
Contracted Specialized Services
The department also works with local educational service centers to contract for specialized services that include hearing and vision specialists, adapted physical education, social work services, and behavior support.
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