James Midyette, Member

James Midyette, Member

headshot photo - James Midyette
Elected Term
1/2024 — 12/2027

2025 Appointments
Board Member to the Tax & Incentive Review Council
Alternate Legislative Liaison to the Ohio School Board Association's Annual Conference
Student/Staff Liaison

Email:  [email protected]
Phone:  440.285.4052 ext. 8707

Mr. Midyette, a resident of Chardon Township since 2017, was elected to the Chardon Board of Education in November 2023. He and his wife, Rachel, are the proud parents of four students enrolled in Chardon Local Schools.

Mr. Midyette earned a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering at Arizona State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

As a state-licensed Professional Engineer, Mr. Midyette has 17 years of engineering experience and is a United States Patent holder.  He is currently employed as a Principal Radio Frequency Engineer at a private firm.

Mr. Midyette served as a homeowners association board member and as a volunteer firefighter for three and six years, respectively. He currently volunteers for a variety of school functions and is active in his local church.

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