Emailed to all Enrolled Families on April 5, 2024
Dear Parents and Community,
The mission of the Chardon Local School District is High Achievement for All Students. The Chardon Local School District is a high-performing school district, consistently ranking in the top ten-percent of schools across the state.
Our curriculum is aligned with the state standards, and our teachers, principals, and support staff consistently work to ensure that all students achieve at high levels.
The Chardon Local School District has a tradition of transparency. All of our Board-approved curricula can be reviewed under Academic Courses of Study on our Curriculum and Instruction web page.
The following revised curricula were presented to the Board sub-committee on April 4, 2024:
K-12 Art, Music, Phys.Ed, and World Language
Gr 2 English Language Arts
Gr 3-12 Health
Gr 4-12 English Language Arts
The revised curricula and textbooks are now available for community review prior to Board approval (April 15, 2024).
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Parents are a vital part of education in Chardon. Board policy encourages parents with questions regarding curriculum to communicate with their child’s teacher and principal.
Thank you.
Ed Klein, Ph.D.
Assistant Superintendent
[email protected]