Title I Federal Programs

Title I Federal Programs

What is Title I? 

Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provides financial assistance to states and school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students. 

The goal of Title I is to provide extra instructional services and activities which support students identified as failing or most at risk of failing the state’s challenging performance standards.

What will Title I do for my child? 

The program provides students with extra educational assistance beyond regular classroom instruction.

Which schools does Title I Serve? 

The program serves students in elementary and secondary (middle) schools who have demonstrated that extra assistance is needed. In our district this year, Chardon Early Learning Center, Munson Elementary School, Park Elementary School and Chardon Middle School qualify for services.  Title I also serves students who attend private schools. 
Building Readers® Newsletter (K-3)
Helping Students Learn® Newsletter (Grades 4-7)
Title I Program Coordinator
Steven Ramos
District Curriculum Supervisor

Title I Tutors

Leita Cirjak
Cirjak, Leita
Title I Tutor
Beth Crawford
Crawford, Beth
Title I Tutor
Sarina Day
Day, Sarina
Title I Tutor
Rachel Diehl
Diehl, Rachel
Title I Tutor
Laurie Heintz
Heintz, Laurie
Title I Tutor
Renee Kalis
Kalis, Renee
Title I Tutor
Kathy Lippert
Lippert, Kathy
Title I Tutor
Shane Quin
Quin, Shane
Social Studies Teacher
Catlain Stumph
Stumph, Catlain
Title I Tutor
Christine Totte
Totte, Christine
Title I Tutor
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