Music / Performing Arts

Music / Performing Arts

Music Program — PreK - 12

staff headshot: Fritz Streiff (Pastor Photography)Mr. Fritz Streiff

Music Department Head
6th-12th Grades Choir(s) Director 

Melissa Lichtler, CHS Band Director - staff headshot photo (Pastor Photography)

Ms. Melissa Lichtler
High School Band Director
[email protected]

staff headshot:  Vanessa Allen (Pastor Photography)
Mrs. Vanessa Allen
4th-Grade General Music Teacher
5th-Grade Band Assistant & Choir Director
Pre-K Music Teacher
[email protected]

Mrs. Michelle Watson
Middle School Band Director

Mrs. Samantha Puterbaugh
Elementary Music Teacher (K-3)

Music Program Summary
Chardon’s music program is an integral part of the overall curriculum, and operates on the belief that all students are innately artistic and can find meaning and joy in music.

From elementary school on all students are given the opportunity to learn about their musical heritage and be able to listen with informed ears.

As students mature, they take can take advantage of a variety of opportunities that can inspire personal expression. Band begins in fifth grade, chorus in sixth grade, and under the direction of a skilled faculty, it is no surprise that by high school, the full symphonic band is dazzling its audiences with Beethoven, and the chorus is inspiring the community in the annual performance of Handel’s "Hallelujah Chorus".

Theatre/Drama — Chardon High School

Mr. Fritz Streiff
Drama Program Coordinator
[email protected]

Ms. Karen Porter
2023 Drama Fall Play Director

staff headshot:  Jackie Brown (Pastor Photography)
Mrs. Jackie Brown
2023 Drama Fall Play Assistant Director

Theatre/Drama Program Summary
Theatre/Drama is an integral part of the academic curriculum at CHS, which uniquely integrates major aspects of other fields of study in its own.
Drama/theatre activities lend themselves particularly to language competencies, to interdisciplinary investigations of history and culture, and to such problem-solving skills as hypothesis testing and decision making. It helps students to develop internal and external personal resources, teamwork skills, and aesthetic judgments. 

Theatre students are able to take creative risks, express themselves clearly, and work as a team to solve problems. These skills are needed in all jobs and job markets today.

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