About Our School

About Our School

About our School

front exterior of Chardon Middle School building

Chardon Middle School serves approximately 725 students in grades 4 through 7 in the Chardon Local School District, located in northern Geauga County. CMS sets high expectations for student performance by implementing educational experiences that ensure rigor to maximize the learning potential of all students.

Chardon Middle School is committed to providing the best possible transition from elementary to secondary education for our students. There are opportunities within and beyond the school day for students to have increased instructional time for intervention, support and enrichment. Chardon Middle School provides a continuum of instructional opportunities at the middle school level. Opportunities for enrichment are available for all students with the ability, potential or motivation to attempt a challenging program.
Chardon Middle School is generally organized into teams in grades 4-7. Two-teacher teams in grades 4 and 5; four-teacher teams in grades 6-7. This “gradual release” of the teaming model is designed to help students increase independence as they move through CMS. The middle school interdisciplinary team structure in grades 4-7 exists to create a child-centered school that is congruent with meeting the key developmental needs of our students.

Exploratory courses in the fine and performing arts, health, physical education, computers and coding, world languages and cultures, and STEM are offered to all students.

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